Mbah Jepra, Myth or Part of History?

If you visit Botanical Garden of Bogor or known best as Kebun Raya Bogor, you will not only see the large park full of different varieties of plants or trees but you can also learn about history and myth. There, you may find the old tomb site under the large trees and this tomb is always visited by many people from Bogor and also outside the city. The tomb was known as Mbah Jepra tomb. Actually, there are 3 tombs in this place and Mbah Jepra is one of them.


Mbah Jepra is Believed as The Important Figure in Pajajaran Kingdom

The other 2 are placed side by side while the other one is placed separately to the hill near the tomb. However, one of them is called by residents as Mbah Jepra. People believe those tombs are the tombs of three important figures in Sunda Pajajaran Kingdom which the capital city was in Bogor based on the history. The first one is believed as the tomb of Queen Galuh Mangku Alam who was the second wife of king, Prabu Siliwangi. Then, the second one is known as the tomb of Mbah Ba’ul who was the Royal Governor and the last is Mbah Jepra who was the Royal Warlord.

Those tombs were found in 1946 by H.Rahmat and in 1978, there was a renovation to the tombs. Though those tombs are inside Kebun Raya Bogor, LIPI is not maintaining the tombs. Majority of people in Bogor came from Sundanese ethnic. Most of them have high pride about that kingdom and they believe that Bogor was the land of Sunda under the reign of Pajajaran Kingdom. Prabu Siliwangi was described as someone who had power. Because of that, those tombs including Mbah Jepra are believed as the tombs of great figures in the Kingdom.

Of course, people in Bogor believe about it. However, many people start questioning about it. Is Mbah Jepra real or just the myth made by someone and people believe it. It is because LIPI or Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia or Indonesian Institute of Science doesn’t take care of the tombs at all. Based on archaeology, those tombs are more than 600 years old and Pajajaran kingdom was found in 15th century. Many people also want to know why those tombs are decided as the tombs of important people in the kingdom.

There is not any research about it and who exactly Rahmat is as the one who found those tombs. There is not any name of Mbah Jepra in the archaeology research literature. Even though many people start doubting about it, many of them don’t want to do anything against it. Many people also come to this tomb because they believe it is so sacred. The people come not only in the morning but also in the night. However, they don’t sleep there because it is sacred and people believe something mysterious can happen here.

They don’t only just pray but they also hope for something such as soulmate, position, wealth, money and more. Those who do something immoral here will get misfortune and some have already proved it. That is why, regardless of the truth, many people believe in the history and they don’t think that Mbah Jepra is just the local myth.

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